sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2009

Australiana ou Bughouse ... tanto faz

Alguém já jogou xadrez em 4 pessoas? Dois pares disputando entre si. Brancas para um, pretas para o outro. Peça capturada entra como movimento no tabuleiro oposto. Relógio para cronometrar as partidas. Estranho para você? É um jogo muito divertido. Conhecido no Brasil como modalidade Australiana.
"Bughouse chess is a game that is as immensely complex compared to chess, as chess is to checkers. The variety that comes from adding another board, a partner, and the ability to drop pieces anywhere, creates a unique challenge that most chess players find exhilarating. In chess, any given position will always remain the same, until one of a limited number of moves is made. With Bughouse on the other hand, any given position can change at any time, based on the pieces that become available to add to the board. Because of this, no Bughouse book can be written that will cover opening variations exactly from move 1 to 20 with any consistency or accuracy. Before the first move is made on one board, a piece from the other board may be available."

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